English language editing and writing assistance for scientists
I provide extremely high quality English language editing, writing assistance, and consulting. I assist scientists with communicating their work via published articles and with obtaining funding through successful research grant applications.
At BioMedical Science Writers you will always know who is editing your document because editing services are provided by one highly qualified editor, Dr. Eric Milner. I have had a full career—as a highly successful academic scientist, as a reviewing editor, as an editorial board editor, and as a study section member. I am an expert in the presentation of scientific ideas and data. I can help you produce a fluent document that reads smoothly, is easily understood, and communicates your message accurately.
Working with BioMedical Science Writers
I am readily approachable, and am always happy to discuss
issues. For
established scientists, working with me is like working with a
reliable colleague. I was a front-line, grant-supported
faculty member for more than 20 years. For younger scientists who may
new to running their own lab and competing for funding, working with me
can be like working with a knowledgeable mentor. In my
career as an active scientist I trained numerous graduate
students and post-docs, several of whom are current faculty members at
major universities.
Speakers of English as a second language
As a scientist, if you speak English as a second language, you are at a particular disadvantage in preparing manuscripts for English language journals. Often, a scientist's English vocabulary is simply too limited to adequately express the nuances necessary for communicating research results. In addition, the arcane and seemingly illogical rules of English grammar and syntax may be impenetrable. One of my strengths lies in the fact that I not only "speak" science, I speak and write English as only one who grew up in a literary household could, and who, as a child, read virtually every book in the library. I have the ability to understand the scientific meaning of your manuscript, and I can render the text into fluent English that says what you intend the manuscript to say. Learn more.